Bat Medicine
I have been so inspired these past months – inspired by those who are living out their dreams, those who are shifting their focus, those who are downsizing and those who are thinking big.
Slowly, but surely, I have begun to let myself day dream and play and imagine. Right now, I am heartily enjoying making things, making up stories and songs, and even making some mistakes.
With so much on my Want To Do list, I think it's time to give this pink, little place a sloppy goodbye kiss, a nice smack on the bottom for luck and skip away in a trail of sincere thanks while I search for the next something that delights me. I hope you're inspired to make some new discoveries, too.
Slowly, but surely, I have begun to let myself day dream and play and imagine. Right now, I am heartily enjoying making things, making up stories and songs, and even making some mistakes.
With so much on my Want To Do list, I think it's time to give this pink, little place a sloppy goodbye kiss, a nice smack on the bottom for luck and skip away in a trail of sincere thanks while I search for the next something that delights me. I hope you're inspired to make some new discoveries, too.
Labels: boomtown swing, candle wax, chopping wood, crazy quilt, dog bed, garden party, pork roast, RV
At 12:13 PM ,
WendyB said...
Been wondering about you...good luck!
At 6:08 PM ,
What Possessed Me said...
Awwww...I'll miss you!
At 10:13 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Good day, sun shines!
There have were times of hardship when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big initial investment.
Now, I feel good, I started take up real money.
It gets down to select a proper partner who utilizes your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real business, parts and divides the profit with me.
You can ask, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]
At 12:07 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of hardship when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big initial investment.
Nowadays, I'm happy and lucky , I started to get real money.
It gets down to select a correct partner who utilizes your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, and shares the income with me.
You can get interested, if there are such firms? I'm obliged to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]
At 1:06 AM ,
Syadz said...
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At 5:41 PM ,
Where It All Began said...
I have been downsizing for the past few years, about six months ago I lost everything. Keep up the good work. Stop by sometime @
At 8:02 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 6:46 PM ,
*** NiKO *** said...
At 7:14 AM ,
高松宮記念 said...
At 7:31 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 6:18 AM ,
競馬予想 said...
2010 競馬予想 各厩舎・調教師から届けられる最強の馬券情報を限定公開!本物の オッズ 表はコレだ
At 5:30 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Genial fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
At 7:18 AM ,
友達 said...
よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)
At 6:53 AM ,
出会い said...
At 7:51 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:29 AM ,
オナニー said...
At 8:31 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 7:45 AM ,
セレブラブ said...
At 6:38 AM ,
友達 said...
変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人
At 5:54 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:11 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:58 AM ,
人生の値段チェッカー said...
At 9:09 AM ,
桜花賞 said...
At 8:46 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 7:34 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます
At 7:45 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 6:39 AM ,
モテる度チェッカー said...
At 6:53 AM ,
皐月賞 said...
At 7:05 AM ,
モバげー said...
At 6:22 AM ,
セフレ said...
At 6:47 AM ,
出会い said...
At 7:33 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:12 AM ,
エッチ度チェッカー said...
At 7:09 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 8:22 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:31 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:32 AM ,
さいきん、お仕事が said...
At 6:39 AM ,
スタビ said...
At 8:15 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:17 AM ,
天皇賞 said...
天皇賞 春 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?この時期のメインイベントの一つのレースがやってきた!!今年の狙うべきポイントは
At 7:06 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 6:14 AM ,
天皇賞 春 said...
天皇賞 春 2010 最強 予想 で確勝買い目公開中!衝撃の情報を手に入れろ
At 7:34 AM ,
友達 said...
At 6:28 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 7:48 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:50 AM ,
玉の輿度チェッカー said...
At 7:49 AM ,
NHKマイルカップ said...
At 7:12 AM ,
NHKマイルC said...
NHKマイルC 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?今年の狙うべきポイントを限定公開!
At 6:43 AM ,
友達 said...
At 6:29 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 6:20 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:48 AM ,
Hチェッカー said...
At 8:49 AM ,
ツイッター said...
At 8:33 AM ,
ヴィクトリアマイル 2010 said...
ヴィクトリアマイル 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは
At 7:18 AM ,
恋人 said...
At 6:58 AM ,
ヴィクトリアマイル said...
ヴィクトリアマイル 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?今年の波乱をズバリ!確勝買い目公開中!大穴狙いのギャンブラー必見激アツ情報
At 8:03 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 8:09 AM ,
SM度チェッカー said...
At 7:11 AM ,
オークス said...
オークス 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で厳選買い目は?今年の波乱をズバリ!確勝買い目公開中!優駿牝馬はこれでもらったも同然
At 7:58 AM ,
オークス 2010 said...
オークス 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で万馬券も夢じゃない?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?今年の優駿牝馬は荒れるのか
At 8:09 AM ,
友達 said...
At 7:26 AM ,
トゥイッター said...
At 8:25 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 7:42 AM ,
名言チェッカー said...
At 7:55 AM ,
日本ダービー said...
第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?今年の波乱をズバリ!確勝買い目公開中!結果を出す前に結果がまるわかり
At 6:50 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 6:54 AM ,
日本ダービー said...
第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる
At 7:10 AM ,
出会い said...
At 9:44 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 10:13 AM ,
ツイッター said...
At 10:02 AM ,
モテる度チェッカー said...
At 9:21 AM ,
安田記念 said...
第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で万馬券をズバリ的中!絶対なるデータが確実に当てるための秘訣
At 11:31 AM ,
ツイッター said...
At 10:16 AM ,
安田記念 said...
第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズから展開と結果をズバリ当てる!出走馬、枠順など全てを考慮にいれた緻密なデータをもとに検証
At 11:06 AM ,
友達 said...
At 10:15 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 10:19 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 10:27 AM ,
ゲーマーチェッカー said...
At 10:05 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 12:33 PM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 11:33 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 10:42 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 11:03 AM ,
gree said...
At 10:16 AM ,
Hチェッカー said...
At 1:00 PM ,
ツイッター said...
At 1:08 PM ,
不倫 said...
At 2:19 PM ,
宝塚記念 said...
第51回 宝塚記念 2010 予想データを完全攻略!出走馬 枠順などからはじきだすデータは文句なし!これで平成22年の宝塚記念はもらったも同然!波乱の展開もあり
At 3:03 PM ,
スタビ said...
At 7:27 PM ,
DareToBeFit2012-2013 said...
At 1:49 PM ,
SM度チェッカー said...
At 11:53 AM ,
宝塚記念 2010 said...
宝塚記念 2010 予想データから完全攻略!出走馬 枠順などからはじきだすデータは最強!これで平成22年の宝塚記念はもらったも同然!波乱の展開もあり
At 1:25 PM ,
ツイッター said...
At 10:56 AM ,
メル友 said...
At 7:34 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 10:54 AM ,
出会い said...
At 11:19 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 10:23 AM ,
玉の輿度チェッカー said...
At 9:10 AM ,
出会い said...
At 1:10 PM ,
流出画像 said...
At 10:10 AM ,
出会い系 said...
At 10:13 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 12:11 PM ,
出会い said...
At 12:06 PM ,
モバゲー said...
At 12:55 PM ,
Hチェッカー said...
At 12:17 PM ,
モニター said...
副業 在宅 でも出来る モニターアルバイト 募集!数ある副業の中、馬券モニター程稼げる副業はない!初心者の方でも簡単にできるのが最大の特権です
At 1:15 PM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 10:21 AM ,
逆援助 said...
At 12:30 PM ,
モバゲー said...
At 11:20 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 11:15 AM ,
井の中のカ○ズ君 said...
At 10:12 AM ,
モバゲー said...
モバゲーでは友達から恋愛まで、様々な出 会いを探せる無料のコミュニティサイトです。常時サポートスタッフが掲示板をチェック、サクラや業者を排除しておりますので安心してご利用いただけます
At 3:04 PM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 2:39 PM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 12:41 PM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 8:32 AM ,
Dr.Rana said...
i am impressed with you blog, here is mine for quick refernce plz.
Improve your personality
important factos
At 12:39 PM ,
モバゲー said...
At 12:38 PM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 11:35 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
出 会いを探しているのなら会員数ナンバーワンのスタービーチ!開放的な夏休みはここで新しい出 会いを見つけよう!
At 1:27 PM ,
グリー said...
At 10:11 AM ,
セフレ said...
At 12:20 PM ,
モバゲー said...
At 1:57 PM ,
逆援助 said...
At 3:52 PM ,
スタビ said...
At 5:03 PM ,
SM度チェッカー said...
At 10:44 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 11:59 AM ,
ツイッター said...
At 9:18 AM ,
mコミュ said...
素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう
At 9:26 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 9:05 AM ,
名言チェッカー said...
At 8:51 AM ,
mixi said...
At 10:06 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 10:32 AM ,
モバゲータウン said...
At 10:10 AM ,
グリー said...
グリーで提供しているのは他社にはできない出 会 い。質の悪い出 会 いよりも質の良いものを提供しております。体験してもらえれば違いは一目瞭然
At 9:49 AM ,
スタビ said...
At 9:17 AM ,
スタービーチ said...
At 9:06 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 6:52 AM ,
gree said...
At 10:08 AM ,
スタビ said...
At 9:13 AM ,
mコミュ said...
At 8:50 AM ,
ツイッター said...
At 9:02 AM ,
SMチェッカー said...
At 8:53 AM ,
モバゲー said...
今やモバゲーは押しも押されもせぬ人気SNS!当然出 会いを求めてる人も多い!そこで男女が出 逢えるコミュニティーが誕生!ここなら友達、恋人が簡単にできちゃいますよ
At 7:37 AM ,
モバゲー said...
At 8:19 AM ,
グリー said...
最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ
At 8:36 AM ,
ツイッター said...
ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
At 9:05 AM ,
モテる度チェッカー said...
At 2:31 PM ,
グリー said...
At 2:58 AM ,
Novelty Pens said...
Well having a good list to work from is important. it seems to make project easier to cross off the list. It seems to relieve a lot of the stress when there is a lot to do.
Good luck,
Fun Pens
At 2:06 AM ,
Anonymous said...
"Any LA band is bad."
Because Los Angeles is good:::Balance. It's why Hollywood is unincorporated.
There was a very real perception that bi-racial was much worse for the white than it was for the person of color. The liberal culture, which was designed and promoted with the god's tools to achieve their Apocalyptic goals, screamed racism when there was a very reasonable explanation for this reality::::
In this white punishment known as the United States the person of color has already adopted the disfavors/temptations intended for another race. But by associating/mating with a person of color the white is newly adopting the disfavors of another culture.
And this is the reason why people of color are not welcome in the United States. The gods control everything:::The perception they want to create, the thoughts they want you to have.
People of color can't recover from absorbing the temptations from two cultures. And why they become more and more like so many blacks in America:::Veterans at absorbing the temptations of two cultures.
To further illustrate this is why California's educational system/funding was ranked #1 when California was white:::Education being the basis of the affluent economic system. Now even public higher education has become unaffordable.
Don't forget the lessons the 'ole white preacher taught:::Dancing is a sin.
The gods used the liberal tool to ridicule away so many taboos, paving the way for the decay of society and ultimately the End Times::::::
Black behavior was controlled by the KKK. Men's behavior was controlled by marriage for thousands of years.
When married by 15 men never gained the taste of promiscuity. Once the gods used the budding liberalism tool the men set the tone for the deteriorating enviornment centered around their gross disfavor.
Women's relinquishing control of pre-arranged marriage will be what costs mankind everything in The End. It's all their fault. Men are pigs, essentially just primally responsive disfavored beings who if given the freedom will abuse based on the impulses the god's push them into. Whereas under pre-arranged marriage this behavior was contained now the promiscuous fraternity house epitomizes the pinnicle of what a "real man" should be like. And sadly the women fall into line.
Ronald Reagan spent the communist block into submission with defense buildup, and in the process increased the National debt from $1 trillion in 1980 to $6 trillion when he left office.
W charged both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to the national debt, honest numbers to come.
The gods used W to initiate the "Great Recession" with deliberate legislation/regulation changes, allowing the sub-prime fiasco and corporate irresponsibility/criminal behavior which led to the multi-trillion dollar stimulous package, pocketted by Republican friends and donors::::$5 trillion charged to the National credit card.
This corruption is one element of evil in the party of good. War mongering is another.
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't::::With the Democrats you subscribe to social decay via liberlism, which WILL lead to the Apocalypse. Republicans are being used by the gods to bankrupt the United States, ultimately motivating people to the point of "desperation prayer" once anarchy presides::::Punishment designed to correct your behavior.
The gods behave monsterously in the course of managing Planet Earth but they demand people be good if you are to have a chance to ascend in a future life.
Not only is doing the right things important (praying, attoning for your sins, thinking the right way:::accepting humility, modesty, vulnerability), so is avoiding the wrong things important as well:::"Go and sin no more".
You NEED active parents who share wisdom to have a real chance to ascend into heaven in a future life, and you MUST be a good parent as well to have that opportunity.
At 5:22 AM ,
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