123Valerie Strikes Again

Unprecedented Self-Indulgence.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

You Reap What You Sow

Guiltily lurking about on MySpace, I learned that a girl I possibly could have loved has a fully functioning shrimp farm. There may a couple of items in that sentence that caused you to pause:

1. Yes. I visit MySpace, but I do not keep up the account. This blog offers enough self indulgance and warm, squishy love from ya'll.

2. Yes. I like girls, too. My family has gotten over it, so it's probably best that you do the same. Call it whatever makes you comfortable.

3. Yes. There is someone that I could have loved, but surprise, surprise, I fucked it up.

4. Yes. She is the type of girl who starts a shrimp farm. You can see why I like her.

Anyway, she posted a Xeroxed copy of the newspaper article that told of the upcoming shrimp harvest on her page, though her blogs have detailed the whole operation for a while.

I'm torn, kids. She's a lovely woman. It was complicated, and the gender thing was the least of my concerns. I think it probably was for her. Well, not for her, but her family and friends. I had a few more years to get comfortable with the idea.

At the time, I was a mess and overspent from caring for my Mom, so I didn't have any patience left for her, and I didn't make it very easy for her to trust me. I behaved very badly. We ended right before my Mom died. The last time we saw each other, in July I think, she had a psuedo-boyfriend and I went home with the bartender. It was a sad ending to a beautiful idea.

But, now, the birth of her shrimpies has me thinking that maybe we could try again. Or maybe not. Maybe she's on to smaller and better things. Maybe I just need to get laid or start a llama farm.

In the Comments section, tell me what you think I should do. I will make the winner some of my delectable shrimp scampi.



The aforementioned lovely woman is also kind and generous, as well. After a full confession that I have been lurking about her life and an apology for my bad behavior, she offered to send me an autographed copy of the news article. See--I do have good taste. I don't expect anything to come of this, given the geographic issues and the fact that she is still entertaining the idea of a boyfriend. But, I'm pleased to announce that I have a new crush, anyway.

See how quickly things happen around here? His name is Door. It's not spelled that way, but that is his last name's phonetic pronunciation. We're still in the info gathering stages like trying to confirm that he is single and not a scary ax murderer. Door is Sean P.K.'s girlfriend's co-worker's roommate, so it's unlikely that he has bodies rotting under his house. Besides, he is a Carolina boy. So, we'll see. 234Door. Hmm? Double Hmm.


  • At 4:15 PM , Blogger Kristin said...

    I dunno. I'm terrible with relationships but I think it's probably worth a shot, or an email, if you still think that maybe you could love her. At least wish her well with the shrimp and test the waters.

  • At 9:07 PM , Blogger nolongermrsborell said...

    Clearly from my track record I should not be giving out advice to anyone about relationships...but when have i ever kept my mouth shut before...you should do what your head tells you. Good luck with whatever you decide!!!!Love ya!


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