123Valerie Strikes Again

Unprecedented Self-Indulgence.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

So Kool

Today, only after completing a trip to the grocery store and to Big Lots for a new jigsaw puzzle (high rolla!) did I realize that I had done my errands sporting a Kool-Aid mustache.

I took some (but not much) comfort in the fact that it wasn't actually Kool-Aid, but cranberry juice. I am, after all, going to be 28 years old on March 27, and Kool-Aid is for dumb kids.

My astrologer says that we need to be careful of any holiday that celebrates with candles; the candles are necessary to illuminate the darkness the occasion will likely bring.

I don't feel sad or upset another year's gone by; good things are ahead, of that I'm certain.

But, I am upset that not one single person had the decency to tell me that my face was painted in a permanent, scarlet grin. Bitches.

In the Comments section, tell me if you like jigsaw puzzles. I find them immensely calming and helpful for keeping romance and social invitations at bay.



  • At 10:14 AM , Blogger CamiKaos said...

    I love them... I like the act of bringing order from the box of senseless chaos.

    Happy almost birthday. Yours is the same as one of my best friends. I'll be out with thin that night, so I'll have one for you.

  • At 11:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I haven't done them in years. I should give one a try. I would've told you that you had a mustache. After, of course, I had a little chuckle.

  • At 11:40 AM , Blogger The Maiden Metallurgist said...

    OMG we have the same birthday, and I'll be 28 too! Happy birthday. I love puxxles, and sadly, Kool-aid too.

  • At 4:52 PM , Blogger WendyB said...

    I've seen the Kool-Aid dude twice on Family Guy recently. It's been making me crave some punch.

  • At 6:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Awww, I bet you were just plain old adorable wif yer mustache.

  • At 6:34 AM , Blogger Say It said...

    I use straws to avoid such situations. However, drinking through a straw and not paying attention can produce the accidental straw up the nose while in front of others routine. So, there it is.

    I like puzzles I can play in the bathroom. I'm a multitasker.

  • At 8:25 AM , Blogger country roads said...

    I can't do them. There's too much chaos.

  • At 8:44 PM , Blogger Nina said...

    I love jigsaw puzzles. Love love love them. If I had room in my apartment, I would have a puzzle table.

  • At 10:24 PM , Blogger amber. said...

    I do like jigsaw puzzles, but not with a toddler in the same house. Boo.


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