123Valerie Strikes Again

Unprecedented Self-Indulgence.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Because I have dived (deeved? diven? doven?) head first into online dating, I frequently chat with folks in whom I have no real interest.

Thus, my chatbox--is that a real word? Sounds gross--is filled with one-time chatters' and would-be lovers' screen names, along with my favorite folks.

Every time I look at my screen, it reminds me of the countless times I have struck out in matters of the heart. Yet, I can't bring myself to erase their weird, misguided names.

Click on the image to enlarge (If only it were that easy in real life!) and see if you can figure out with whom I tried to sleep and who is just a friend. In many cases, there's no wrong answer! It'll be fun.

In the Comments section, tell me your screen name. Even better: Be brave like Es Locura and send an e-mail to 123Valerie (at) gmail. com.

I do bite, but only on your inner thighs, where no one will see the bruises.



  • At 4:47 AM , Blogger EsLocura said...

    I'm guessing "Apple dumpling" because I have always been amused by calling people I sleep with by food names. My little papaya, sweet potato, sugar muffin, broccoli flower, I'll email me you the rest. Feel free to try them on your next date.

  • At 4:49 AM , Blogger EsLocura said...

    hmmm "I'll email me you the rest" that "me you" thing is a typo or a freudian thing, you pick.

  • At 9:42 AM , Blogger mist1 said...

    I am changing mine to say something about my chatbox and wine.

  • At 10:25 PM , Blogger hyacinths and biscuits said...

    eslocura - my boyfriend tried for a while to call me his little kumquat. I have to say, it was very odd. I don't think we should ever date.

  • At 10:26 PM , Blogger hyacinths and biscuits said...

    my screenname is just my name. Quite boring, I know, but then no one ever forgets who I am or judges me by the way I choose to label myself.

    But unless you're a detective, you probably don't know it. And if you are a detective, you should teach me some mad detecting skillz.

  • At 12:54 PM , Blogger M@ said...

    I am cornholio.

  • At 5:26 PM , Blogger James Burnett said...

    My screen name is Buck Nasty.

  • At 7:40 PM , Blogger Dave said...


    That chat box is funny.

    An attractive young lady like yourself should be able to find a respectable young man at work.

  • At 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm really lame. My screen name is the same as it is here. Ugh. I have no life.

  • At 6:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    mine is hugh johnson.



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